1 22  333   4444    55555     666666      7777777       88888888        999999999         0000000000<br>
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's supporters' association hosted a dinner the day before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai", and Mr. Abe had to bear a total of about 9.16 million yen as a shortage of expenses in the five years until 2019. I found out by interviewing the people concerned. It was also found that the receipt issued by the hotel that received the payment was addressed to the fund management organization "Shinwakai" represented by Mr. Abe.<br>
1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 88888888 999999999 0000000000
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's supporters' association hosted a dinner the day before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai", and Mr. Abe had to bear a total of about 9.16 million yen as a shortage of expenses in the five years until 2019. I found out by interviewing the people concerned. It was also found that the receipt issued by the hotel that received the payment was addressed to the fund management organization "Shinwakai" represented by Mr. Abe.
word-break: normal;
1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 88888888 999999999 0000000000
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's supporters' association hosted a dinner the day before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai", and Mr. Abe had to bear a total of about 9.16 million yen as a shortage of expenses in the five years until 2019. I found out by interviewing the people concerned. It was also found that the receipt issued by the hotel that received the payment was addressed to the fund management organization "Shinwakai" represented by Mr. Abe.
word-break: break-all;
1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 88888888 999999999 0000000000
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's supporters' association hosted a dinner the day before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai", and Mr. Abe had to bear a total of about 9.16 million yen as a shortage of expenses in the five years until 2019. I found out by interviewing the people concerned. It was also found that the receipt issued by the hotel that received the payment was addressed to the fund management organization "Shinwakai" represented by Mr. Abe.
word-break: keep-all;
1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 88888888 999999999 0000000000
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's supporters' association hosted a dinner the day before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai", and Mr. Abe had to bear a total of about 9.16 million yen as a shortage of expenses in the five years until 2019. I found out by interviewing the people concerned. It was also found that the receipt issued by the hotel that received the payment was addressed to the fund management organization "Shinwakai" represented by Mr. Abe.
word-wrap: normal;
1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 88888888 999999999 0000000000
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's supporters' association hosted a dinner the day before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai", and Mr. Abe had to bear a total of about 9.16 million yen as a shortage of expenses in the five years until 2019. I found out by interviewing the people concerned. It was also found that the receipt issued by the hotel that received the payment was addressed to the fund management organization "Shinwakai" represented by Mr. Abe.
word-wrap: break-word;
1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 88888888 999999999 0000000000
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's supporters' association hosted a dinner the day before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai", and Mr. Abe had to bear a total of about 9.16 million yen as a shortage of expenses in the five years until 2019. I found out by interviewing the people concerned. It was also found that the receipt issued by the hotel that received the payment was addressed to the fund management organization "Shinwakai" represented by Mr. Abe.
white-space: normal;
1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 88888888 999999999 0000000000
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's supporters' association hosted a dinner the day before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai", and Mr. Abe had to bear a total of about 9.16 million yen as a shortage of expenses in the five years until 2019. I found out by interviewing the people concerned. It was also found that the receipt issued by the hotel that received the payment was addressed to the fund management organization "Shinwakai" represented by Mr. Abe.
white-space: pre;
1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 88888888 999999999 0000000000
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's supporters' association hosted a dinner the day before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai", and Mr. Abe had to bear a total of about 9.16 million yen as a shortage of expenses in the five years until 2019. I found out by interviewing the people concerned. It was also found that the receipt issued by the hotel that received the payment was addressed to the fund management organization "Shinwakai" represented by Mr. Abe.
white-space: nowrap;
1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 88888888 999999999 0000000000
Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's supporters' association hosted a dinner the day before the "Sakura wo Miru Kai", and Mr. Abe had to bear a total of about 9.16 million yen as a shortage of expenses in the five years until 2019. I found out by interviewing the people concerned. It was also found that the receipt issued by the hotel that received the payment was addressed to the fund management organization "Shinwakai" represented by Mr. Abe.